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    How COVID-19 Impacted The Way New Generations learn

  • As the world has largely adapted to life after the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the most enduring changes is the widespread adoption of remote education. What began as a necessity during the crisis has now become an integral part of how we learn—and it’s here to stay.

    Here are three lasting ways the COVID-19 pandemic impacted education, making now the perfect time to start or continue your engineering training online.

    Covid accelerated the ongoing digital learning transition 

    Perhaps the most impact that Covid had on education so far is the acceleration of digital learning. Even before the pandemic, online learning was becoming a trend. However, Covid accelerated the adoption of digital transformation and made it more mainstream. Research shows that online learning takes 40-60% less time and allows students to retain 25-60% more information than in traditional classrooms. Clearly, the future of learning is online courses. 

    Education is more accessible

    Since education is remote, it’s much more accessible to people anywhere in the world. In a traditional classroom course, students may sit in large lecture rooms with over a hundred students, making it difficult to get the one-on-one attention they need. But in an online classroom, every student has a first-row seat and equal access to getting help. Students worried about speaking up in class can now just pop a question into a chat without having to raise their hand. 

    Plus, with many classes being pre-recorded, students can pause, rewind, and re-watch lectures to better learn the material. This allows them to go at their own pace, instead of furiously taking notes and hoping they don’t miss something. 

    Education is more convenient

    Gone are the days of commuting in for class – students can now live wherever is most convenient for them, even if that’s in another country. Additionally, if students are traveling, they can still tune into their lectures, from wherever they are in the world, as long as they have a device and an internet connection. This also makes lifetime learning more convenient so that even after you graduate from university you can keep up on your skills. 

    Get online professional training now

    The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that there will be 140,000 new jobs created for engineers from 2016 to 2026. The jobs available will be evolving over the next five to ten years, and the skills you need will also evolve. Without new and continuing education, a skill gap will develop. 

    Visit our website to start effective online training for engineering professionals and gain the skills you need now and in the future. Also, check out our course previews to get an idea if the course is right for you. Additionally, for companies attracting talented engineers and keeping talented engineers, we offer online training courses for teams.