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EN 13480: Flexibility Assessment and Pipe Supporting

  • By: Dynaflow Research Group
  • On-Demand

EN 13480: Flexibility Assessment and Pipe Supporting

  • Unlimited Team-wide Access
  • Advance Technical Competences
  • Courses by Industry Authorities

About the course

This course focuses on the flexibility of piping systems, addressing topics such as stress limits as per EN 13480, stress intensification factors, and flexibility analysis. You will also learn about the design of supports, including types of supports like spring supports, considerations for buried piping, and dynamic load aspects to ensure the system can accommodate operational demands.

This is your partner


Dynaflow Research Group

Specialised Engineering firm

Who should attend this course

• Pipe Design Engineers and Pipe Stress Engineers designing piping systems as per the EN13480 code.
• Engineers that need to have a solid understanding of the design approaches used in the EN13480 code.
• Those involved in pipe system design projects for systems installed within Europe and designed as per the EN13480.


Technical background,
Basic understanding of piping systems is beneficial.

Program & Details

  • 1. Introduction and Agenda
    2. Piping flexibility: an introduction
    3. Stress limits as per EN13480
    4. Stress Intensification Factors
    5. Flexibility analysis
    6. Dynamic Load Aspects for piping systems
    7. Buried piping
    8. Support types for piping systems
    9. Spring supports
    10. Support design


A personal digital certificate will be made available upon successful completion of the course. A sample Certificate is shown below.

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Logan Chapman - COO at Chapman Consulting Inc.