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Comprehensive Overview of Refining Processing and Blending

  • By: Sanda Telen
  • In-Company

Comprehensive Overview of Refining Processing and Blending

  • Unlimited Team-wide Access
  • Advance Technical Competences
  • Courses by Industry Authorities

About the course

Growing global competitiveness in the refining products market requires an in-depth knowledge of fuel technology processes, global quality standards, and quality monitoring procedures. As a global market turns to clean fuels and more stringent specifications, the environment in which refiners operate is more and more challenging.

The course presents a comprehensive overview of white and black product blending processes, covering refining processing and technology aspects, crude quality impact, specifications, quality giveaway, additives selection, blending economics, testing, and troubleshooting. Additionally, the course gives a perspective on how the blending process fits into the operation of an integrated oil company. Case studies are used to illustrate the relative importance of each aspect of the blending process.

The course consists of 15 modules split across 15 training hours. All modules will be live sessions with the instructor. This training course is available as a company in-house training only; there is a choice between an online training or an onsite training. All training materials will be available through your EngineeringTrainer account.

Meet your instructor


Sanda Telen

Managing Director and Founder at Oilcon Oil&Energy Consulting

Learning Outcomes

After this course, you...
• have a clear overview of the processing background, and how white and black products are produced and blended,
• understand the fundamentals of engine operation and emissions, and the importance of fuels in maintaining a good operation,
• are familiar with specifications and their importance and limitations, and how they can be used in ensuring that the product is fit for the purpose,
• know how additives are selected and used to meet the specification for different products and different markets,
• are familiar with how laboratory results are obtained, and how they should be interpreted.

Who should attend this course

Personnel from the oil, fuel, biofuel, additive and auto industries:
• Refinery technical personnel
• Planning and scheduling specialists
• Trading and blending personnel
• Laboratory supervisors and technical personnel
• Sales, marketing, and product trading personnel
• Market and research analysts
• Regulatory and Policymakers personnel

Young engineers are welcome to participate.


This course is suitable for a range of personal and there are no specific prerequisites. Some affinity with refining is beneficial.

Program & Details

  • 1. Introduction to refinery blending
    2. Energy sources
    3. Energy outlook and demand
    4. Classification of fuels
    5. Basic fuel chemistry
    6. Key elements of engine design and how fuels affect its performance and emissions

  • 1. Introduction to fuel specifications
    2. Types of fuel specifications
    3. Primary and secondary importance properties
    4. Specification differences (EU, USA, Middle East, Asia…)

  • 1. Value of blending
    2. Blending principles
    3. Types of blending and their specifics (in-line and batch blending)
    4. Blanding issues (stability of blends, quality giveaway, specification margins)

  • 1. Blending calculations and fuel properties (linear and non-linear properties)
    2. Blending calculation methods (LP model and blending index)
    3. Blending economics

  • 1. The role of fuel additives in the blending of fuels
    2. Classification of fuel additives
    3. Chemistry of white products additives – octane and cetane improvers, deposit control additives, corrosion inhibitors, detergents, lubricity additives, antioxidants, dispersants, flow improvers, biocides, multifunctional additives

  • 1. Selection process and compatibility of fuel additives
    2. Principles of additive treatment
    3. Fuel additives and the importance of fuel characterisation
    4. Multifunctional additives and fuel branding

  • 1. Introduction to diesel fuel blending
    2. Diesel fuel specifications – general and specific
    3. Blending components – production and characteristics
    4. Influence of processed crude oil type

  • 1. Diesel engine
    2. Diesel fuel properties
    3. Stability of diesel fuel
    4. Diesel fuel composition and performance

  • 1. Bio-component blending
    2. Challenges of bio-component blending
    3. Diesel fuel additives and selection process
    4. Additives and cold flow properties of diesel fuel – winter operability (case study)

  • 1. Introduction to motor gasoline blending
    2. Motor gasoline specifications - general and specific
    3. Specifications – key quality elements (volatility, octane number, aromatics, oxygen content)
    4. Motor gasoline blending components – production and characteristics

  • 1. Motor gasoline properties
    2. Blending principles
    3. Concept of linear and non-linear blending
    4. Motor gasoline blending issues (stability of blends, quality giveaway, specification margins)

  • 1. Oxygenates
    2. Bio-component blending
    3. Motor gasoline additives and additives’ selection process
    4. Blending management – introduction

  • 1. Bonus calculation
    2. Principles of bonus calculation
    3. Building of motor gasoline recipes
    4. Interpretation of results

  • 1. Marine fuels – classification
    2. Specifications and their development
    3. IMO regulation and its impact on blending
    4. Production and blending
    5. Additives – role and selection
    6. Heavy fuel oils – classification
    7. Specifications
    8. Blending and stability

  • 1. Introduction to good housekeeping practice
    2. Storage, distribution, and handling of finished products
    3. Impact of bio-components on product quality and its storage and handling
    4. Stability of finished products


A personal digital certificate will be made available upon successful completion of the course. A sample Certificate is shown below.

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